Fayette Veterinary Hospital in
Washington Court House, Ohio, educating our clients is a top priority. Here are answers to some common animal care questions. For further information, feel free to call
(740) 335-6161.
The doctor normally gives the rabies shot at 4 months of age. We recommend vaccinating against canine distemper and parvovirus (feline distemper and feline leukemia).
We recommend starting the vaccinations at 6 weeks of age. We give them in a series 3 weeks apart so that your pet will have good immunity.
There are several highly contagious diseases that we can protect your dog from through vaccination. Because most of these diseases are fatal, we want to give your pet the best protection.
Studies show that the disease is not directly transmitted from dogs to humans. Lyme disease is transmitted by ticks. If your dog has ticks, you may run a risk of being bitten by one, too. You can catch Lyme disease from a tick only, not from your dog.
To date there have been no documented cases of feline leukemia being transmitted to people, nor any higher incidence of leukemia in people with cats. However, if your cat tests positive for feline leukemia, we recommend that you talk with the veterinarian.
You should have the new cat examined by the veterinarian before exposing it to your other cats. The new cat should be tested for FIV and feline leukemia – two deadly diseases that could be transmitted to your cats. Also, we strongly recommend that you have your new cat vaccinated as soon as possible.
A parasite is an organism that lives at the expense of another living being. In our pets, these usually take the form of intestinal worms (internal parasites) and fleas and ticks (external parasites).
Some parasites, such as tapeworms, are visible to the naked eye, but others must be detected under the microscope. If you will bring in a stool specimen, we will be glad to examine it microscopically to see if your pet has worms.
Toxoplasma oocysts pass out in the feces of cats and can cause problems if transmitted to pregnant women. That’s why pregnant women and immunosuppressed individuals should not clean out litter boxes. With normal sanitary precautions, litter boxes pose no problem for the other people.
Most intestinal parasites are transmitted in the pet’s stool. When a dog steps in contaminated stool or ingests the egg, the parasite enters his body. Keeping the yard clean and having your pet checked for worms regularly will prevent most parasites infestation. Heartworms are transmitted by mosquitoes. Testing your dog for heartworm infection and keeping him on heartworm prevention will prevent heartworms from becoming a problem.
Scooting can be a sign of tapeworms. We recommend that you examine your pet closely for signs of tapeworm infection. Tapeworm segments pass out of the pet’s rectum and often catch in the fur on the legs and tail. If tapeworms are not the problem, the doctor will look for another cause, such as impacted or infected anal glands.
You are most likely seeing tapeworm segments that are becoming stuck in the hair when they pass out in the bowel movement. We recommend that you bring us a sample segment, if possible, so we can determine which kind of tapeworm your pet has. We can then deworm your pet and help you prevent them from getting them again.
Constant scratching can be a sign of flea infestation, but it might also mean your pet has dry skin or possibly even a medical problem, such as an allergy. If the scratching continues in spite of careful flea control, we recommend a visit to the doctor to determine the cause of the itching.
Ringworm is not really a worm at all—it’s a fungus. And, yes, it is contagious to humans. At the first sign of ringworm in your cat, bring it in so the doctor can prescribe medicine, shampoo, or ointment. Call your family doctor to ask how to prevent or cure the problem in yourself.
If you watch her diet and give her plenty of opportunity for exercise, you shouldn’t have a problem.
The doctor recommends spaying your female at 6 months of age.
No. The spaying operation will eliminate heat cycles.
No. The spaying operation removes the ovaries and uterus. Therefore she will be infertile and won’t be able to get pregnant.
As soon as the puppies or kittens are weaned and the mother’s milk has dried up, she can be spayed.
Spaying is the best form of pet population control. In addition, it eliminates messy heat cycles and prevents unwanted litters. Other important reasons to spay your pet are that spaying lowers the chance of breast cancer later in life and eliminates the chance of pyometra, a life-threatening uterine infection.
Female dogs usually come in heat twice a year.
The heat cycle usually takes about three weeks to complete.
Cats come into heat seasonally. They cycle at approximately 21-day intervals during the spring, summer, and fall
For a planned breeding, we recommend you wait until the second or third heat cycle.
The gestation period for a female dog is about 62 to 63 days.
The gestation period for a female cat can be from 59 to 68 days but is usually about 60 days.
Cats can sometimes come back into heat while nursing a litter, so it’s important to keep them away from male cats until they can be spayed.
No, each litter is separate and there is no carry-over between litters. However, care should always be taken to prevent unwanted puppies.
The length of time varies from animal to animal, but if your pet is in hard labor for an hour with no sign of a puppy (or kitten) being born, she may be having a problem. Call the doctor if this happens.
Yes, if there are five offspring, it is possible there could be five different fathers.
False pregnancies occur in dogs, usually after a normal heat cycle. The dog’s hormones trick her into thinking she is pregnant when actually she is not. A female with a false pregnancy will often make a nest in which to have puppies, carry stuffed animals in her mouth, and even produce milk. False pregnancy can be treated during an office visit, and the doctor will explain more about it at that time.
The doctor recommends neutering at 6 months of age.
Yes, we do recommend it. Neutering the male helps control pet overpopulation. Neutering also helps prevent your pet from fighting with other males, decreases his aggressiveness, may help decrease his territorial marking behavior, helps keep him at home, stops unwanted sexual activity, and decreases the incidence of health problems related to the reproductive organs.
Neutering has been shown to decrease aggressiveness in dogs and make them better pets.
When a cat sprays, he is exhibiting the male tendency to mark his territory with urine. Neutering decreases his male hormones and makes him much less likely to exhibit this undesirable trait.
Dogs vary in the length of time it takes them to reach sexual maturity. Generally a dog that is 1 ½ to 2 years old is ready to be used for stud.
A dog’s normal temperature sometimes varies but is usually about 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
A cat’s normal temperature sometimes varies but is usually about 101.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Puppies and kittens have “baby teeth” just like humans. It is normal for them to lose these first teeth when they are about 3 ½ months old to make room for their adult teeth. Look inside your pet’s mouth and be sure a baby tooth has fallen out wherever you see a new tooth coming in. If the baby teeth don’t fall out, they may have to be pulled.
Dogs need protection from extremely cold nights. Shorthaired dogs need more protection than double-coated or longhaired dogs. Light bulbs can be hung in the dog house for heat, or you may want to bring your dog into the garage, basement, or laundry room for the night.
Scooting can be a sign of anal-gland problems, or it may mean that your dog has tapeworms.
Bad breath can be a sign of gum infection and teeth problems.
Yes. Runny eyes can be caused by allergies, illness, injury, and infection. The doctor must examine your pet to determine the cause.
Antifreeze is extremely poisonous to dogs and cats. Please bring him to the clinic immediately for treatment.
Rat poison can cause serious blood-clotting problems in dogs and cats. He should be brought in as soon as possible.
Make sure it has an open airway and can breathe. If your pet is a dog, secure its mouth to prevent biting—a stocking works well as a temporary muzzle—and transport it to the clinic on a board to control its movements and prevent further injury. If it is a cat, put it in a box. Bring the pet to the clinic as soon as you can, even if you think it is fine. Sometimes an injury can cause internal problems that aren’t readily apparent.
Your cat may have a urinary tract infection or may have a blockage that’s preventing it from urinating. You should bring him to the clinic immediately.
Monday: 9-7:00 pm
Tuesday: 9-6:00 pm
Wednesday: 9-7:00 pm
Thursday: 9-6:00 pm
Friday: 9-7:00 pm
Saturday: 9-12:00 pm
Sunday: Closed